PrinceĀ Harry’s explosive tell-all about life as a spare heir set off seismic shock waves when it hit the shelves earlier this year. Har…
PrinceĀ Harry’s explosive tell-all about life as a spare heir set off seismic shock waves when it hit the shelves earlier this year. Harry shot his mouth off without a filter, lobbing grenades at the Firm and obliterating what was left of his relationship with his family in the process.Ā
From throwing tantrums over not getting enough candy during childhood to airing every petty grievance about William getting favored treatment, Harry held nothing back in his twisted revenge fantasy of a book. Even I’ll admit I was surprised by just how unhinged and devoid of self-awareness he came across in its pages.
But of course, that’s always been Harry’s true nature under that ginger facade of mock royalty, hasn’t it? A perpetually aggrieved manchild who spent his whole life desperately seeking external validation to fill that hollow void inside.Ā
Whether it was chasing new status symbols like the Invictus Games or weaponizing his distorted truth bombs about the royals, Harry has always been about clawing for unattainable recognition, dignity, and security.
Well, it turns out his vengeful self-immolation in the disastrous “Spare” may have finally alienated Harry beyond the point of no return, at least in the royal family’s eyes. Some shocking new reports have emerged claiming the entire Penguin publishing conglomerate may be done enabling Meghan and Harry’s attention-starved antics once and for all.Ā
That’s right, if we believe the latest viral scuttlebutt, Penguin Publishing is allegedly exploring ways to recoup the entirety of its already doomed $35 million investment in the “Spare” debacle. Talk about some beautiful ice-cold karma for the Duchess of Delusion and her hostage husband.
Despite all the typical noise and bluster, Meghan has been loudly attempting to project about her vision for the Archetype brand and persona, but even she won’t be able to spin away this richly ironic outcome this time.Ā
The consequences of reckless entitlement may be permanently fatal for her and Harry’s continued celebrity grifting. After all, there’s perhaps no more powerful entity to run afoul of than the entire collective weight of a global publishing titan like Penguin Random House.Ā
If those legitimacy vultures are indeed now assessing ways to fully distance themselves from “Spare’s” abject failure, that could very well slam the final legal, financial, and societal doors shut on Meghan and Harry’s misguided fairy tale for good.
Think about it: if the biggest book publisher in the world is now proactively strategizing ways to legally claw back its wildly overblown investment from a uniquely amateurish celebrity vanity project like “Spare,” that doesn’t exactly inspire much confidence that any other notable industry might want to partner with those tainted grifters anytime soon, does it?Ā
This implication could be read as a scorching vote of no confidence from the entire book publishing establishment towards Harry and Meghan’s ability to credibly keep drawing public interest.
Why would Penguin leave any future commercial opportunities open for such a needlessly controversial liability after getting burned so badly trying to overcompensate one? It means that any other brands hoping to work with the Sussexes may now have some major new liabilities to seriously consider before diving in: things like legal messes from potential content they couldn’t control, reputational risk from wading into Meghan and Harry’s uniquely pervasive culture war baggage, and inviting needless staff headaches by amplifying such conflict-chasing polarizers.Ā
Those are some serious strikes right out of the gate that any wise industry would have to deeply consider before hitching their wagon to such an overburdened project.
If the most powerful publishing company in the world is already exploring legal options to proactively distance itself from the tainted PR Meghan creates, what does that bode for their future commercial viability?Ā
Penguin may have just drawn the ultimate line in the sand, indicating they fundamentally don’t care to play along with Meghan and Harry’s delusional cult of glorified victimhood personality anymore. If so, that would be an absolutely devastating blow to the self-serving grandiosity their entire public brand trades on.
After all, Meghan’s entire public persona hinged on the savvy commercial calculation of leveraging her new proximity to the very establishment royals she cynically weaponized as her own personal prop of perpetual glorified victimhood status.Ā
Her and Harry’s entire bit as perpetual theatrical victims who were unfairly rejected by the same oppressive monarchy they both actively shunned and rejected has always been a corrosively arrogant ploy to elevate her insistence on commercial viability.Ā
Worse, it’s validated and enabled by the same corrupting commercial forces who use Meghan’s overt social climbing as an insidious weapon to virtue signal their own self-declared morality litmus tests about a system they’ve actively benefited from.
We’ve all seen this plot device play out ad nauseam before, like when the entire empty-calorie grievance memo blitz repeatedly attempted to reduce everything down to Meghan and Harry’s weaponized, almost dehumanizing fixation on painting William and the newly anointed king as personifications of a generational morality play.Ā
They’ve publicly played the victims, and Meghan’s entire disastrous brand has now devolved into shrill, one-note wailing about oppression while she and Harry chase increasingly tenuous opportunities for self-aggrandizement under the guise of victimhood.
After all, if Penguin really is actively exploring ways to fully divest itself of its involvement with such an intentionally polarized liability, that would fundamentally undercut and derail the entire grievance-industrial Meghan and Harry complex full stop.Ā
Frankly, I think it’s safe to say at this point that it would leave both of them irreparably damaged goods that even the most enthusiastic supporters would have to seriously reconsider any involvement with.Ā
Once one of the most massively connected global publishing titans permanently writes off any ability to even engage with them on an artistic or credibility level, the writing would truly be on the wall.
What was it, something like $35 million out of those notorious Netflix and Spotify contracts that they may have already financially defaulted on and alienated within their first few years of vapid, shallow grievance exploitation? Those were supposed to be their paths towards new philanthropic credibility, yet it seems more and more like they’re on track to be irreparably reduced to empty brand exploitation as this new self-immolation fallout unfolds.Ā
It’s almost understandable how they managed to end up in this situation, even when compared to the already irredeemably chaotic backdrop of institutionalized royal privilege.
There’s a sense of arrogance unique to how Meghan envisioned she’d redefine that landscape, only to ultimately double down on the very dehumanizing norms she claimed she’d shun.Ā
For that establishment to now be exploring legal remediation to recover the blatant self-aggrandizement they themselves enabled speaks directly to the exact type of cultural rot Meghan arrogantly presumed she could leverage into a new generational identity politics.
It represents the manifestation of that same childish adolescent airing of unresolved grievances whose social liabilities they continually amplified into the very thing they claimed they wanted to transcend by dehumanizing others.Ā
Almost as if Meghan and Harry’s entire public brand traded on the very same dehumanizing entitlement that they claimed was their radicalized driver, only to ultimately succumb to the same internal moral rot they’ve now forever engraved into their money-grievance postures.
After all, if the public consequences continue escalating to the point where the most prestigious publishing entity ostracizes their own entitlement, what else does Harry have to vent his perpetual childishness onto beyond claiming to be yet another professional grievance victim of his own creation?Ā
It’s one thing for Harry to be petulant when it’s nothing more serious than throwing tantrums about not getting enough confectionary attention during his entitled childhood.Ā
But to devolve into such transparently one-note banal self-aggrandizement that it alienates him from even the most powerful mainstream forces he naively seeks external validation from?