America’s prospects get more grim on the daily, as we look ahead to a historic 2024 decision that will land either a heartless megalomaniac in the Oval Office, or lengthen the tenure of someone who is too old to properly serve.
Its a terrible choice, but its somehow all citizens of the U.S. are left with. We’ll be voting one of these dried-out old bags into office this November, and — despite his felony conviction, atrocious track record, and clear detachment from reality — Donald Trump‘s prospects are starting to look up. A failed assassination attempt has boosted his popularity, and the former president’s planned appearance at the Republican National Convention is set to provide yet another chance for Trump to worm his way back into the presidency.
When is Trump scheduled to speak at the RNC?

The 2024 RNC kicked off in the wee hours of July 15, after technically beginning its lineup of events a day early, on July 14. Those events were largely intended to welcome the wave of Conservative speakers, organizers, and donors set to attend the days-long gathering of the U.S. political right, prepping for the lineup of events scheduled to begin at 8 am Monday morning.
Those events will continue through July 15 and proceed for most of the week. High-profile speakers, book signings, and even Conservative movie screenings are slated to continue through Thursday, July 18, but one appearance is easily among the most highly-anticipated among RNC attendees.
Donald Trump’s appearance at the Republican National Convention has been talked about for months, and the recent attempt on his life is only elevating the scheduled speech. The presidential candidate promised to unveil his running mate at the convention, and he reportedly revamped his speech in the wake of the shooting in Pennsylvania.
Trump is scheduled to make his big speech on Thursday, following a week of carefully themed days. Monday is themed around the economy, Tuesday around crime and the border, Wednesday is set to emphasize America’s foreign policy, and — in keeping with the future-themed Thursday setup — Trump’s speech is reportedly set to focus on the presidential candidate’s plans to “usher in a new golden age for America.”
Trump’s big speech won’t come until the tail-end of the convention, so anyone impatient to learn about Trump’s running-mate has a bit of a wait on their hands. In the meantime, however, a wave of Conservative speakers, politicians, and Trump family members are slated to make their own speeches, pushing back on President Biden and trumpeting the gilded future they hope to harken in.