I deeply sympathize with Thomas Markle. He is a decent, hardworking man who has been a wonderful father. Meghan knows him well, and her tre…
I deeply sympathize with Thomas Markle. He is a decent, hardworking man who has been a wonderful father. Meghan knows him well, and her treatment of him has been appalling and entirely unwarranted. There he is, living in a rather shabby cabin in New Mexico, not deserving of the way he has been treated by Meghan. Tom Bower
It’s his 80th birthday, and Meghan is several hundred miles away. It wouldn’t have been too difficult for her and Harry to either drive down, give him a call, or send a card. But no, Meghan remains completely unforgiving, and Harry has behaved disgracefully towards his father-in-law. The issue isn’t just about some staged photographs; it’s about snobbery and everything else. Tom is a retired man with limited financial means, and Meghan is known for discarding people who no longer fit her profile. I also feel that her mother unfairly poisoned the atmosphere, despite Thomas treating her mother very well.
In my book *Revenge*, I describe many instances of Meghan’s behavior, including how she would give her friends the silent treatment as a child. This pattern of behavior has continued into her adult life, affecting her father, Harry’s family, and even her half-sister. Meghan seems to have a knack for destroying relationships and cultivating connections only for her own benefit. This destructive pattern has led to her severing ties with Harry’s family and her father.
Though one might understand Meghan’s frustration with her father for the paparazzi photos before her wedding, I don’t think it justifies her treatment of him. Thomas Markle was abandoned during the wedding preparations, while Doria, Meghan’s mother, received ample support from the palace. Tom was left to deal with journalists alone and was not assisted even when he had a heart attack and couldn’t attend the wedding. The palace, and by extension, Harry and Meghan, did not offer him any help, which was a significant tragedy.
Thomas Markle has used media appearances to share his side of the story because Meghan hasn’t spoken to him. This is all he has left to communicate with his daughter. Thomas has been a devoted father, providing for Meghan and supporting her education and career. To be treated with such ingratitude and spite is devastating for him. His unrequited love and dedication are evident, and the publicized negative image of him is completely unwarranted.
Meghan has shown similar remorselessness towards others, including the Queen, Princess Kate, and William. Her behavior reflects a cold and calculating nature, prioritizing her own needs and interests over familial relationships. This is portrayed vividly in *Revenge*.
Thomas Markle’s current situation, at 80 years old and seriously ill, is especially poignant. One would expect a successful daughter and her husband to show some compassion. Unfortunately, the Sussexes appear to have moved on, indifferent to whether Thomas is alive or dead. Their focus seems solely on themselves, despite their public claims of helping society. Their treatment of Thomas Markle is a glaring example of their lack of compassion.
The most astonishing moment came when Thomas had a stroke, and Meghan, despite being at her home in Montecito, chose to attend a school shooting instead of visiting her father. This was a publicity stunt, not an act of genuine concern.
Regarding the allegations of racism within the royal family, Meghan’s claims have caused immense damage to Britain’s and the Royal Family’s reputations. The accusations, which were completely false, have had a lasting negative impact globally. Harry contradicted Meghan’s claims in a Netflix interview, but the damage had already been done. Meghan’s rehearsed lines in the Oprah Winfrey interview, intended to make a significant impact, have led to lasting harm that is unlikely to be repaired.