While the British Royals aren’t commonly depended upon for their parenting expertise, that isn’t to say that the family’s youn…
While the British Royals aren’t commonly depended upon for their parenting expertise, that isn’t to say that the family’s youngest prince and princesses aren’t bound by some pretty strict rules behind the scenes.
And apparently, there’s one obligation that that Prince and Princess of Wales have forced upon their three children which – I’m sure fellow parents out there will agree – definitely distinguishes them from other youngsters their age.
In recent years, a shift seems to have been made – particularly by the Millennial generation of Royals – towards opening up about the ins and outs of their daily life in a way that the previous, reportedly ‘un-relatable’ monarchs did not.
While Queen Elizabeth and King Charles were famously tight-lipped about their family’s antics, Prince William and Kate Middleton have set a new precedence for the monarchy by giving us a glimpse into their personalities in ways that was once been considered taboo.
While William apparently spends his free time appearing on popular sport podcasts and attending Taylor Swift concerts (iconic behaviour, btw), Kate is said to be an extremely hands-on mother-of-three.
You may expect playtime for the second, third and fourth Royals in line to the British throne to consist of discussing politics, reciting Shakespeare and drinking tea, but according to nannying expert Louise Heren, the Princess of Wales has enforced one very specific rule onto her kids: the muckier the better.
Revealing how she believes Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince George spend their free time together, Louise told Hello!: “There will be lots and lots of outdoor play. Lots of bike rides, playing with their dogs, potentially some gardening.”
It’s true, whilst most parents of under 10s are ceaselessly trying to keep their kids clean, Louise says the Royals are likely encouraged to relish the mud.
“Yes, you are getting mucky with your hands in the soil. If it is tipping it down, they will still go out.”
Kate previously revealed she was raised with the very same mindset.
As children, we spent a lot of time outside, and it’s something I’m really passionate about,” she told parenting blogger and I’m A Celeb star Giovanna Fletcher whilst appearing on her Happy Mum, Happy Baby podcast in 2020.
“I think it’s so great for physical and mental wellbeing and laying foundations,” she added, going on to express her hopes that particularly special memories of the outdoors are what her own children will go on to cherish.