A pup named Gunner has left the internet in stitches after revealing who’s his favorite person and who’s the spare in a clip, and the mom has told Regalrumination.com how she copes with being “second best.”
In the that quickly went viral on Tuesday under the username gunner.chocolatelab, Gunner from Naples, Florida, looks sad waiting for his dad to wake up, sitting outside the door alone, not even acknowledging his mom, who woke up early to spend time with him.
“POV: you get up early with your puppy so dad can sleep in and realize you’re actually just the spare human,” a caption explains, followed by: “[I Don’t Know] who is more upset right now…”

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The poster, 35-year-old Tricia, told Regalrumination.com that she and her partner have had the three-month-old pup since he was ten weeks old.
“In the clip he is sitting outside my bedroom door early in the morning waiting on my bf to wake up. Usually, he is the one who gets up with him early in the mornings and I told him to sleep in and that I’d take the morning that day and Gunner didn’t seem so happy about it.”
But, after recording the video, the pup and Tricia played with some toys and had a little fun while waiting on his favorite person to wake up.
“Normally I would have taken him outside, but we were stuck in the house due to tropical storm Debby. I sent a video of Gunner outside the door to my bf and he came out right away and said, ‘that was so sad!’. They’re very cute together, I’m okay with being the spare… I know they love me too!”
All dogs have a favorite person, which is not necessarily always their owner, in fact it can be anyone, from a grandparent to their walker, and it’s usually the person who spends the most time with them and puts the most effort into their relationship.
If you’re not your pup’s favorite person don’t worry, this can easily be overturned.
Kait Hembree, veterinary behavior nurse and head of training and behavior specialist at GoodPup, that this special connection with your furbaby can be made from a variety of positive interactions or experiences such as with food, both treats and feedings, playing, taking walks together, hiking, and lots of petting.
The strength of the bond you form can vary based on a number of factors, including the amount of time spent together, the care provided, and the overall relationship built over time.
The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 722,100 views and 67,600 likes on the platform.
One user, Stellar_818, commented: “Every time he looks at you it’s like he gets disappointed all over again.”
Autum Smith said: “Also a spare human. Paid 3k for him train and feed him everyday and love him and still I’m the spare.”
Lizz added: “I’m the spare human and my Bf and I just moved in together. I have had my dog for 2 years and this is the treatment I get.”
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.