For years, we’ve been asking a simple question: where are these children? Why haven’t we seen any legitimate, verifiable proof of Archie and…

For years, we’ve been asking a simple question: where are these children? Why haven’t we seen any legitimate, verifiable proof of Archie and Lilibet’s existence? And now, just like that, we’re getting some disembodied voices in a video about a dog? Come on, folks.
This is classic Meghan – using every opportunity, even the death of a pet (if that’s even true), to keep herself in the public eye.
And let’s not forget how she strategically times everything. This video drops right before her new Netflix series launches. Coincidence? I think not. Let’s take a look at how the real Royals handle their family life.
Look at William and Catherine – they share genuine, authentic moments with their children. We see George, Charlotte, and Louis at public events, interacting with real people. They’re not hidden away like some kind of state secret. The contrast couldn’t be more stark.
Now, speaking of contrasts, let’s dive into these supposed voices we hear in the video. With all the advancements in AI and digital manipulation, do you really think it would be that hard to create or edit some audio of children’s voices? We’ve seen how the media gets manipulated. Remember all those staged paparazzi photos? The endless PR stunts? The convenient leaks to friendly journalists?
What really gets under my skin is how Meghan uses this supposed tribute to a dog to center herself in the narrative. It’s always “I this,” and “I that” – it’s always about her, even in a moment that’s meant to be about a pet.
Let’s talk about the timing here. Just when public interest in the Sussexes is starting to fade, just when people are getting tired of their constant complaints and victim narratives, suddenly, we get this emotionally manipulative content featuring mysterious child voices. The PR playbook is so obvious, it’s almost embarrassing.
And where exactly was this video filmed? In their supposed Montecito mansion, where we never see proper photos of their children? It’s all very convenient, isn’t it?
The thing that stands out the most to me is the glaring contrast between how the working Royals handle their public image versus how Harry and Meghan operate. William and Catherine strike the perfect balance between privacy and transparency. Meanwhile, all we get from the Sussexes are carefully curated snippets, mysterious voices, and endless questions.
Let’s not forget how Meghan has treated her own family. She cut off her father, her sister, basically everyone except her mother. And now we’re supposed to believe that this heartfelt tribute is about family connections and love? The same person who helped destroy Harry’s relationship with his own family? Please.
And speaking of Harry – where is he in all of this? We hear a few background cheers of “come on, Guy,” but that’s it. This is the same pattern we’ve seen since they left the Royal family: Harry reduced to a background character in Meghan’s carefully orchestrated show. It breaks my heart to see how far he’s fallen from the beloved Prince he once was.
The most concerning part of all this? Some people are actually falling for it. The comment section is filled with supporters swooning over these supposed child voices, but let’s ask ourselves: Why, in all these years, have we never seen clear, unedited footage of these children? Why are they always hidden away, only to be trotted out via voice recordings or heavily edited photos when it’s convenient for publicity?
Remember the Christmas card fiasco? The birthday photos that experts questioned? The constantly changing stories about where the children were during various events? The pattern is so obvious, it’s laughable. And now, just perfectly timed, this video appears right before her new Netflix series launches. Because let’s face it, that’s what it’s really about, isn’t it? It’s not about mourning a beloved pet – it’s about marketing.
Let’s talk about that Netflix series for a second. Another vehicle for Meghan to push her narrative, to control the story, to present herself as whatever character she’s decided to play this time. And now she’s using her supposedly deceased dog and mysterious child voices to drum up interest. It’s honestly distasteful.
What really gets to me is how this affects the real working Royals. While William and Catherine are out there doing actual work, making real differences in people’s lives, dealing with real family challenges, Meghan and Harry are busy putting out these manufactured moments of “authenticity.” The contrast between Catherine’s dignity and Meghan’s constant need for attention couldn’t be more striking.
Now let’s talk about the timing again – just when there are important royal family events and announcements, suddenly Meghan drops another one of her distractions. A performance designed solely to keep her in the media spotlight. And yet, some people can’t see through it. The strategic timing, the emotional manipulation, the carefully crafted narrative – it’s all right there if you just open your eyes.
But what really bugs me is how Meghan is using the memory of her poor dog for publicity. If Guy really has passed away, then why is this being used as a marketing tool for a Netflix series? Does he deserve that? Doesn’t he deserve better than to be used as a PR stunt?
Let’s not forget that everything Meghan does is calculated. Every gesture, every word, every so-called “candid” moment is choreographed for maximum effect. This is a woman who studied the Royal family before meeting Harry, who planned every step of her way in and out of royal life.
And then there’s Harry. Remember the old Harry, the one who was close to his brother, had a genuine relationship with his father, and served his country proudly? Now look at him. Reduced to background noise in Meghan’s latest publicity stunt.
If these children are real, then why the secrecy? Why the games? William and Catherine manage to give their children a relatively normal life while still acknowledging their public role. They strike that balance between privacy and transparency. Meanwhile, the Sussexes use their supposed children as props in their ongoing PR campaign.
And let’s not forget those “spontaneous” moments in the video – everything is just so perfect, so staged. So Meghan. Where are the real moments? The messy, authentic bits of life that make us human?
You know what really gets me? The hypocrisy. Meghan’s playing the role of this down-to-earth dog lover who adopts, not shops, while living in a mansion, flying private jets, and lecturing everyone else about climate change. It’s staggering.
And those supposed child voices at the end of the video? It’s like something out of a focus-grouped PR presentation. “How can we make this more relatable? I know – let’s add some adorable children’s voices!”
Let’s be honest. If these children are real, why haven’t they been seen with their cousins? Why no interactions with their royal relatives? George, Charlotte, and Louis are growing up never knowing their cousins, and that’s entirely on Harry and Meghan.
The timing of this video release is especially interesting given recent developments in the royal family. While real issues are being addressed by the working Royals, here comes Meghan with another distraction. Another piece of performance art masquerading as sincerity.
What breaks my heart is thinking about Queen Elizabeth. She dedicated her entire life to service, to duty, to putting the institution above personal gain. And now we have this? A performance masquerading as authenticity?
The contrast between Meghan’s approach to publicity and Catherine’s dignity couldn’t be more stark. While Catherine quietly works, making real change, Meghan continues to create elaborate productions designed solely to keep her in the spotlight.
And poor Harry? What would his mother think of all this? Diana, for all her struggles with the institution, never played games with her children’s existence. She protected them while acknowledging their public role. She struck that balance – a balance Meghan seems incapable of understanding.