Apparently, Meghan Markle and her PR team are in full panic mode because the infamous moon bump scandal has resurfaced online. But why is sh…

Apparently, Meghan Markle and her PR team are in full panic mode because the infamous moon bump scandal has resurfaced online. But why is she freaking out about this? If those kids are real and she actually gave birth to them, why should she be concerned? If it’s all fake, what’s the big deal?
Why is it bothering her so much that people are still talking about it? If it’s just a conspiracy theory, then surely she should just laugh it off, right? But no, here she is, reportedly in full meltdown mode.
Let’s be real—this is one of the most blatant things to come out of Meghan’s world. It doesn’t take a genius to see that something was off about her pregnancy belly situation.
You could literally see the bump deflate, and this whole moon bump issue has been out there for years now. It’s one of the easiest things to spot when it comes to Meghan. It’s right there, plain as day.
What’s even more ridiculous is how her team is completely losing it over this being discussed again. Seriously, are you really going to get all worked up over this once more? Don’t they realize that the whole world already saw this?
The moon bump, the fake belly—it’s not even a theory anymore. It’s practically common knowledge at this point. You can’t just sweep it under the rug.
And now for the juicy part—the so-called conspiracy theorists, or as Meghan would probably prefer to call them, online trolls, are back at it. But let’s be honest here—it’s not trolling if it’s true.
Meghan, you literally put this in front of everyone’s eyes, and we all saw it. If it wasn’t true, why are you so afraid of people talking about it again? This is not just some random rumor; it’s a glaring issue that’s right in front of us. It’s like watching a magic trick go wrong—oops, there goes the moon bump.
Yet Meghan’s team is flipping out over it. Just when we thought it couldn’t get more absurd, Meghan’s PR people have the audacity to call this whole thing “cruel.” Oh please, it’s not cruel—it’s the truth staring you in the face.
You lied, Meghan, and now people are calling you out for it. Instead of owning it, you’re having your team scramble, crying “trolling” and trying to shut it down.
What’s even more hilarious is the official response from royal commentators, claiming that these allegations are “baseless and absurd.” Really? When something is staring you in the face, it’s pretty hard to call it baseless.
But apparently, Meghan’s team just can’t handle the heat, and the resurfacing of this scandal has them rattled. Maybe it’s not just online trolling, Meghan—it might be something a little closer to the truth.
In the end, this whole moon bump saga just goes to show that the more you try to cover something up, the more people will talk about it. And guess what? You only have yourself to blame for that one.